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Obama Trying to Cover Up Another Investigative Program

Reuters has published an exclusive report documenting that Obama Administration has been directing agents to cover up another program being used to investigate Americans using the very phone calls they claim nobody listens to that has nothing to do with terrorism. This latest “terror” claim that is undefined and worldwide has all the earmarking of […]

EU Commission Staged Coup Against Berlusconi in Italy

What is emerging over elections in Italy is really amazing. We have had the EU claim that the Italian Mafia is controlling elections in June. However, what is now starting to emerge is that the EU Commission played an active role in staging a coup to oust the former Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi and replace with […]

Tangible v Intangible Money – Why Times Have Changed

The mantra of Goldbugs has been that paper money is worthless and only gold is money. That is pretty much like saying the earth is still flat. Money has historically been many things and gold is only one of them. The issue is always the fact that money (regardless of what it is) rises and […]

JP Morgan Electricity Manipulations

When I first came out and wrote about the “Club” and how there was an organized group of banks and some hedge funds that targeted individual markets to manipulate, they tried to pretend it was sour grapes. I had even hired Robert Howe who may have been the first African-American analyst in American History. Bob […]

German Low Wages & Personal Assets

German citizens have not actually benefited from the Euro in personal ways. Among the 17 countries of the Eurozone,  Germany is far behind countries such as Italy, France or Spain insofar as net assets are concerned. Additionally, one in four Germans suffer from a low wage.

European Economy Continues to Implode

The French government plans to pump billions more in aid desperately trying to save the Peugeot factory in Aulay. Hollande refuses to realize that raising taxes causes economic decline and a greater proportion of money goes to government. The Peugeot production facility is unprofitable and the operation is functioning more like a communist organization rather than […]

Why the World Economic Must Collapse – This is Important

When the founders of the United States put pen to paper, they outlawed DIRECT TAXATION to preserve liberty. The American Revolution slogan was NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. Now G20 backs new tax transparency plan that will be the fatal blow to the world economy. The new tax reform action plan has won the support of the G20, […]

ECB & China Accepting the Same Type of Products from Banks that Blew Up the World in 2007

The ECB and China are allowing their banks to post the very same products that Blew-Up the Financial World as collateral for loans. The banking crisis in Europe is devastating because the reserves were the various euro bonds of all member states. Cyprus went down because of their losses on Greek bonds. Banks is Europe […]

Greece Laying off 25,000 State Workers

This is precisely what we are talking about. The rise in unemployment will be furthered by the continued collapse in state revenue that will force reductions in state employees. In the USA, the city of Detroit filed for bankruptcy. This is the trend we face and government is honestly too stupid to see the trend […]

So Who Really Tried to Blackmail Yeltsin & Takeover Russia – NSA-CIA-or Investment Bankers?

Perhaps the number one question I always get about the ordeal I went through and the sheer chaos that surrounded everything, was just who really was behind the plot to blackmail the former head of Russia Boris Yeltsin to stop him from running for reelection in 2000 and hand-pick Boris Abramovich Berezovsky? It is true […]