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The Madman of Ukraine in High Heels

COMMENT: Hi Martin It is obvious that Zelensky does not have a brain and is being controlled by outside forces. Is it Schwab or is he just a front also? You probably know more than what is going on than anyone else including intelligence. Thank you All the best MW REPLY: I cannot say everything […]

The Dark Side of Ukraine

QUESTION: You said Bucha was not a massacre by Russians but staged by the neo-Nazis. What proof do you have? DF ANSWER: I am glad you believe the one-sided propaganda. I know Ukraine well and its culture. I have reliable sources there. I do not reveal them for I must respect their protection. There is […]

Ukraine General Warns of Nuclear War

QUESTION: Reuters is now saying that the Ukrainian general says Russia will use tactical nukes. What do you see as the risk? PC ANSWER: You would think that someone would back down if this is the view. All my sources warn that if Putin is overthrown, the risk rises exponentially. All the bullshit being put […]

Ukrainian Parliament Lines Pockets with Western Aid

The pro-war People’s Deputies of Ukraine Party are using Western funding to line their pockets. It has been reported that the average paycheck went from 28,800 to 49,600 hryvnia, and taxpayers in other countries will pay for their raises. This news came out shortly after CBS attempted to release a documentary that claimed weapon shipments […]

Ukrainians Forbidden From Accepting Russian Aid

Ukrainians are not permitted to accept any humanitarian relief from Russian agencies. Civilians in a war zone could face life imprisonment for accepting relief, including food. Ministry of Internal Affairs Alyona Matveeva said each case would be analyzed separately. “For example, if a person called to support the military of the Russian Federation or provided […]

US Embezzles an Additional $3 Billion to Ukraine

America has pledged to embezzle (donate) another $3 BILLION into Ukraine. The Associated Press claims that this money will be used for equipment and training Ukrainian troops. Additional NATO countries are also offering additional funds, such as Germany who pledged an additional $500 million to the proxy war. Yet, America is donating more money than […]

FBI Raids Trump’s Home – DOJ Planning Indictment – End of the USA As We Have Known It

The Democrats are desperate to win in November and they are taking the United States down the drain in order to forcefully impose their will, or should I say the Great Reset. On the approaching 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, The Democrats are toying with what will most likely end […]

WWIII is not Worth Supporting Ukraine in a Land Grab

The West is determined to invade Russia and they believe that they can destroy it despite the fact that they are no longer a communist nation or a threat. That does not seem to matter because they want war because Russia and China will not surrender their sovereignty to the United Nations under this Great […]

Should Russian Oligarchs Fund Ukraine?

As the war in Ukraine continues, so does the need for funding. Zelensky’s people are now asking for $7 billion in funding per month. The World Bank estimates that it will cost $60 billion to rebuild Ukraine’s infrastructure and the war is still ongoing. Managing Director of the IMF Kristalina Georgieva said they secured the […]

The End of Ukraine – The Cyclical View

QUESTION: Marty; Socrates is always amazing. I understand this forecast of war and Russia comes from the computer and you wish you were wrong. There is a video out there also saying the Bucha is a false flag even showing that people pretending to be dead in the streets with no blood and then when […]