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Is the US Following Ancient Athens?

COMMENT: Marty, Zelinsky has tried to portray himself as a military leader, cloaked in the symbolism of a military strongman. Gaddafi, Hussein, Stalin, and even Hitler come to mind. All were seen as ardent nationalists. Zelinsky did this to attract enormous weapons and capital to this country, ensuring that his face becomes the symbol of the […]

Colonel Douglas MacGregor & Sources

COMMENT #1:  I have been watching Colonel Douglas MacGregor (ret), on alt news sites. He is a former tank commander in the Gulf war and has worked extensively with NATO, before retiring. I love his direct commentary – so in a nutshell he says the following: 1. Ukraine has lost up to 250k troops and […]

Time is Always Fixed – Crude is the Example

QUESTION: Thank you for the interesting update on Crude & Natural Gas previously. Since Feb was a Directional Change and March is a turning point, then the cycle inversion for a March high rather than a low looks still choppy with no breakout. Since electric car demand has peaked, the Fed seems determined to get […]

Is Zelensky the Anti-Christ?

  A lot of people are writing in asking interesting questions about Zelensky. I seriously doubt he will be remembered with any respect by history. Indeed, Zelensky is by no means a world hero. He deceived Russia by pretending to promote peace to get elected and the Ukrainian people, but certainly not the world. He […]

The Collapse in Confidence in Biden is Building

I know a lot of people are deeply concerned about how the Biden Administration has been usurped by the Neocons who are deliberately driving us to war. I can tell you that writing letters to your representatives does have an impact. Getting everyone to flood your senator and congressman for that is the only way […]

Do Not Fear Nuclear War – You Can Survive!

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong I have been reading your blogs for the last couple of years. I’m a simple human, not a scholar but so scared about nuclear war, Is nuclear war 100 percent coming here in the USA? If so any suggestions as to what we can do to survive? where should we go ? […]

Who are the ‘Neocons?

QUESTION: Who are the ‘Neocons’? Martin, In an essay you posted today* you say that the Biden administration has been bought and paid for by Neocons. Could you tell us a bit more about them?  I understand you’ve said that many of ‘these persons’ come from a mindset of the Allen brothers of the 1950s […]

The Biden Administration is Just Insane & Should Be Removed At Once

The threats from Biden that all the Russian Assets he has confiscated illegally from private Russians that he will hand to Ukraine is another example that demonstrates that there is nobody in the Biden Administration that understands anything about the world. The United States and Europe have countless private businesses that have assets around the […]

Interview: Neocons Need War Because Monetary System Collapsing

Watch the video above or click here for the latest interview with USAWatchdog. Commentary from Greg Hunter: Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said at the end of last year the U.S. is being set up for a “nightmare fall.” Train derailments and political problems are spinning out of control, but the biggest […]

Biden & Putin Duel with Words

President Vladimir Putin shot down the balloons claiming he would declare war on NATO, martial law in Russia, or announce a new major wave of military mobilization because Russia is losing. What is really sad is to find the total lack of any unbiased account from any mainstream media around the world whatsoever proving that […]