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Showing 991 Results for ukraine aid
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March 28, 2016
Whenever the establishment is seriously threatened, they respond with assassination. This is historically the normal in all cultures. One of the more credible conspiracies about the Kennedy assassination centers on the fact that he was against expanding the military and opposed starting the Vietnam War. After Lyndon Johnson approved the war, he latter commented how […]
November 22, 2015
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I know people say you are the source many watch. I heard you were posting photos of Russian soldiers in Eastern Ukraine before anyone knew they were there. Then you posted pictures of Frankfurt in flames when there was a blackout by the press reporting the protests against the ECB. Now on […]
November 11, 2015
Martin Armstrong’s Media Appearances If you are interested in arranging an interview with Martin Armstrong, please fill out our “Contact” form located on the homepage and select “I have a question about media engagement and/or an interview request.” 2025 Tariffs + Digital Currency = Disaster – Interview with Maria Zeee (2/2/2025) It’s Too Late, We […]
October 1, 2015
The unleashing of Russian firepower in Syria in support of the Syrian government came precisely on the day of the Economic Confidence Model. I have come to learn from observing this model that major world events, whatever the major focus may be, appear to line up with the ECM. This target has been huge for […]
September 10, 2015
QUESTION: Martin, After many years of reading your work I thank you for improving my knowledge of all kinds. From reading your work I conclude the pi cycle has to exist, it is the anchor point of the other cycles as well as their composite. The destructive power it seems to usher in is what […]
September 5, 2015
The press is cleverly twisting the Hillary e-mail scandal to her benefit by narrowing their focus on what qualifies as “secret” instead of the fact that she conducted all national security business from her private e-mail server to avoid getting subpoenaed. There is no question whatsoever from a legal perspective that what Hillary did was […]
September 5, 2015
Bush is taking on Trump over his comment to uphold English as America’s primary language. “We’re a nation that speaks English. Whether we like it or not, that’s how people assimilate,” Trump declared at a New York press conference. Trump CORRECTLY articulated the issue that speaking English is assimilation and the strength of the nation. Bush is DEAD […]
July 18, 2015
It is amazing how government is trying to claim the existence of global warming, simply to introduce a carbon tax. We are entering the 21 year of declining temperatures; not rising temperatures. This is akin to the tax on cigarettes; people smoked less and governments cried that they were losing revenue, causing many places to tax electronic […]
July 4, 2015
Crafting laws where you can check-in but never leave seems to be what’s good for Europe, and Russia has taken note. This is the problem with law. It can be reinterpreted constantly and twisted on the head-of-a-pin to mean whatever needs to accomplish at the moment. Now in Russia, the chief prosecutor’s office is examining […]
May 3, 2015
I have been warning that the governments of the West are in severe trouble. We face the worst economic crisis, perhaps in modern history, with the distinct risk of moving into a state of Economic Totalitarianism. The governments are well aware of the Economic Confidence Model (ECM). Many people have questioned, “Why have they not killed you?” […]