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West v Russia – Who is to Blame? It Maybe Just Basic Psychology

COMMENT:  Hello Mr Armstrong, I do respect your analysis, experience and what you do yet there is something that doesn’t fit with the independency you claim. You blame Obama and western leaders for acting like kids while you are rather silent about Putin merely just stating that he is forced to act the way he […]

Putin Leaves G20 Very Early – Snubbed by Western Leaders – Really Stupid Indeed

Western leaders merely ganged up on Putin rather than trying to work out a deal nice and quietly. You cannot push someone up against the wall and not expect a reaction. The FT reports of tensions between Putin and even the Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper who seems to dance whenever Obama plays the fiddle. Harper […]

Beware the Cycle of War Turns Back Up Next Week

  We have to be concerned that the Cycle of War turns back up next week. NATO has reported that Russian troops have now invaded Eastern Ukraine. In the Cycles of War Report we wrote that target will be November 19/20, 2014 (2014.8871) where we should see some escalation in activity. It appears this may be […]

The Return of Mercenaries

Private armies for hire are becoming popular on all sides. For government, this is the greatest invention since taxes – no social benefits. Mercenaries fighting for the USA get about $141,000 a year. Even in Ukraine there are a number of mercenaries from Europe and other countries is on the rise. They fight on the side […]

Obama-Sanctions & Ukraianian Ceasefire

The economic sanction against Russia are causing serious economic damage in Europe. Farmers are going bankrupt and Finland has lost its triple-A rating thanks to Obama-Sanctions. The sanctions were wrong from the start and they should be removed immediately. The attempt at a permanent ceasefire has come about not because of Obama-Sanctions, but despite the […]

Ebola – The Next Plague/Pandemic?

On Wednesday another American, NBC News reporter in Liberia Ashoka Mukpo was diagnosed with the deadly virus, the channel reported. He is being evacuated to the US for treatment. However, the appearance of Ebola in Europe has not been widely reported. On Friday, Germany confirmed its second case of Ebola, as a man flown from West […]

Was the Scottish Vote Really Scottish?

Being Scottish was actually not the criteria to be able to vote. The entire criteria was residency. As a result, almost 400,000 people living north of the border in Scotland were actually not Scottish but born in other parts of the UK (reported the BBC back in 2012). The number of Scots living in England, […]

French Farmers Set Tax Office On Fire – Demise of Europe

French vegetable farmer have set a tax office and a building on fire destroying the government facility which was the symbol of the increasing administrative burden and sanctions that is killing farming. Hundreds of tractors and trailers of the farmers converged on Friday evening before the building of the Agricultural Social Insurance (MSA) in the […]

China Prepares for War with Japan

While the eyes of the world are on the Middle East and Ukraine, China’s rumblings against Japan are real. China is in fact under preparations for war. “The outbreak of a world war is not impossible,” said Professor Han Xudong of the National Defense University of the People’s Liberation Army on Tuesday in a commentary he […]

Putin – War – & Return of Mercenaries – the Masquerade

Many people have written asking about Putin. The pundits are claiming the Russian Army is weak and could not wage war. Russia is actually looking at expanding its military policy re-targeting Europe and the USA as enemies, and rewriting protocols for justification of a defensive first strike with nuclear weapons. The greatest mistake that the West […]