Showing 973 Results for vaccine
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Showing 973 Results for vaccine
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March 25, 2024
The elderly were told to take the COVID vaccination as they were high-risk. Countless advertisements flooded our screens and airwaves for years, urging the most vulnerable to get the COVID-19 vaccine, boosters, and any other vaccination to prevent infection. Instead, people are experiencing ailments far worse than the coronavirus. We know that the vaccine […]
January 4, 2024
The truth is coming out about the vaccines in 2024. Those living in Florida may have received a notification this week from Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo’s office warning the public that the vaccination is not safe. The FDA warned Lapado last month that questioning the vaccine would be considered “misinformation,” but he ignored their […]
December 19, 2023
"What we will see is completely unprecedented in terms of magnitude of the wave of morbidity and unfortunately mortality…up to 30-40% in highly vaccinated countries." -Former Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation vaccine scientist @GVDBossche on VSRF LIVE. — Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (@VacSafety) December 15, 2023 Our computer has forecasted this for post-2032: there […]
December 10, 2023
A 15-month-old healthy girl was given three vaccines at the same time and died two days later. When you get some prescribed drug from your doctor, there is a warning: do not take it with something else. That is what is missing with vaccines. One of my employees cannot take any vaccine. His entire family […]
December 3, 2023
The number one reason I refused to get vaccinated was the fact that once the government got involved, there would NEVER be (1) any recourse but (2) no accountability. I have worked with governments for over 40 years. NO government will EVER admit a mistake. Thus, once the government evolved, BEWARE! Every politician who accepted […]
November 22, 2023
Remember when the US government discharged 100,000 troops who refused to take the vaccine? They did so at a time when recruitment was at an all-time low and effectively prevented many from ever serving the country. Now, discharged troops are suing the Biden Administration for lost wages and benefits. This has become a class-action lawsuit […]
August 30, 2023
There is an uptick in previously dormant viruses. Then again, countless people have entered America at the southern border illegally. Those who wish to come here on goodwill, legally abiding by US law, are forced to undergo a physical examination and receive the following vaccinations: Diphtheria Tetanus Pertussis Polio Measles Mumps Rubella Rotavirus Haemophilus influenzae […]
August 7, 2023
“No College Mandates” is a group of parents, doctors, nurses, professors, and students who are working to end COVID-19 vaccination mandates. Many believe that mandates have ended, especially after the overwhelming evidence of the inefficiency of the vaccine. Yet, 104 colleges in the US continue to demand that students provide proof of vaccination to attend. […]
June 8, 2023
The European Union and World Health Organization met in Geneva this week to discuss plans for “future pandemics.” Governments and global organizations still want to control the masses with forced vaccinations despite the utter failure of the mRNA vaccine that did nothing to prevent transmission or infection. Still, the EU and WHO are planning to […]
May 29, 2023
The Western press is so compromised because they pushed the vaccines and even were telling people not to let families member join for Christmas if they were not vaccinated. So anything now that shows that the vaccines were far more dangerous than anyone reported, they cannot now admit – Sorry – we were wrong and […]