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Censoring Social Media to Prevent Bank Runs

They censored social media to prevent the public from learning the truth about COVID, vaccines, and accompanying mandates. They censored social media to prevent the public from learning about Hunter Biden’s laptop before his dad could be installed at the POTUS. They censored anyone who questioned the election or Biden’s crime family and deliberately leaked […]

When the House Votes Unanimously…

When the House votes unanimously, there is usually a larger issue at play. It was announced on Friday that the US House of Representatives and the Senate unanimously agreed to declassify information regarding the origins of COVID. Let us recall that one side of the political spectrum effectively shut down the entire economy and used […]

Moderna Never Had a Sample of the Virus

  This video clip shows that Moderna never even has a sample of the virus to make a vaccine. It was all just theoretical computer science.

Can Congress Grant Immunity to Pfizer

Any immunity that Congress has pretended to give Pfizer, is highly questionable if it is not in violation of the Seventh Amendment stopping people from their right to claims against Pfizer et al.  Even looking at the PREP Act Immunity from Liability for COVID-19 Vaccinators, it cannot afford immunity for willful misconduct.  What we are dealing […]

COVID Scam & The Lack of Journalism

  Besides Fauci should be prosecuted on every possible statute and all the small businesses that went bankrupt because of him should file a class action suit against him personally and the government. Every person who has suffered an injury from the vaccines and those who have died, and their families should also file against […]

Do Not Fear Nuclear War – You Can Survive!

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong I have been reading your blogs for the last couple of years. I’m a simple human, not a scholar but so scared about nuclear war, Is nuclear war 100 percent coming here in the USA? If so any suggestions as to what we can do to survive? where should we go ? […]

Pfizer’s Long History of Fraud & More

The two industries that can do whatever they want and are exempt from criminal prosecution even for mass murder are Bankers and Pharmaceutical companies. I know a lot of people in the legal field. They all say the same thing. The lobbying on Capital Hill is official bribery. Pfizer and others donated just $61.8 million […]

War & Disease – What Comes Next After COVID

QUESTION: I found it really interesting how you have used the coinage to ascertain the costs of wars and to confirm the history. You have shown coins that show even the opening of the Colosseum. Are there any that record the plagues in history? Thank you for a free and interesting site. PV REPLY: Ancient […]

Trusted News Initiative – Mainstream Monopoly for Fake News

The Trusted News Initiative (TNI) was founded in 2019 and its goal is to push only the accepted narrative ending both free speech and real independent journalism.  TNI actually violated the Sherman Antitrust Act and should be criminally charged for its deliberate destruction of our society and the censoring of any news that was warning […]

Is Digital Currency Safe?

It turns out that North Korea-backed hackers stole a record $1.7bn of cryptocurrency in 2022, according to blockchain analysis firm Chainalysis. It also appears that they had a hand in the collapse of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX where the auditors have reported that around $415m of cryptocurrency has been stolen by hackers.  This is becoming […]