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Australia Launches Booster Shot Marketing Campaign

The Australian government is spending millions on an ad campaign to encourage citizens to take a third COVID vaccine. Their method of marketing is quite surprising and I question who would be enticed to take the vaccine upon watching this ad. The campaign features individuals who received the two jabs — and still fell deathly […]

The Most Extreme Political Group in US History

Numerous Al-Qaeda members were living in the United States before the 9/11 tragedy — the worst disaster on US soil. None of the 19 terrorists were from Afghanistan, but since the group operated in Afghanistan, America invaded. Domestic branches of the terrorist organization continued to operate in the US, but that is not who we […]

Airlines Playing Russian Roulette with Passengers’ Lives

Airlines are playing Russian roulette with passengers’ lives after numerous pilots experienced heart attacks, which is believed to be a direct result of the vaccine mandate. American Airlines Captain Robert Snow was flying an Airbus 231 carrying 200 passengers. An otherwise healthy Snow experienced a sudden heart attack six minutes after landing. Snow said he […]

Don’t Divert Your Attention to Roe v. Wade

A coming Supreme Court ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade was secretly “leaked.” Uncoincidentally, the news came right before the 2022 US midterm elections. Everyone is understandably up in arms after Biden formed a Disinformation Governance Board to become the ultimate authority for what we may believe is true. Most Americans want Biden out of […]

Overruling Roe v Wade – To Be or Not To Be

When Roe v Wade was decided, it was highly questionable both on a constitutional level as well as on a moral basis. The basic religious objection stems from the Ten Commandments – Thou Shalt Not Kill. You had a lot of people arguing that a child is not a child until it is born and […]

Moderna Poised to Commit Infanticide

Moderna is officially coming for toddlers and infants under five. The company submitted a formal request with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), claiming the vaccine is 51% effective among toddlers under two and 37% effective in the two to five-year-old range. Instead of the standard two-100 microgram doses, the youngest among the population will […]

Antidepressant Prescription Sales Spike

A SingleCare Team study revealed the majority of the US population takes some form of a prescription pill. The insurance agency found that the number of people reliant on prescriptions significantly rose after the pandemic. In fact, medications for mental health issues are on the rise. The company reported a 70% increase in prescriptions for […]

Musk v Gates

Elon Musk destroyed Bill Gates over the weekend after texts between the two were leaked to the press. This may be the first time someone has put Bill Gates in his place and publicly shamed him for his hypocrisy. Per usual, Gates had his hand out looking to “discuss philanthropy possibilities” with a fellow billionaire. […]

Rhode Island Lawmakers Propose Doubling Taxes for Parents of Unvaccinated Children

Democrats in Rhode Island have prepared legislation that could double taxes for parents of unvaccinated children. Senator Sam Bell, who is championing the bill, claims that there is a need for a universal mandate. Under the proposed law, unvaccinated residents would face a $50 monthly fine for noncompliance. Employers would also be required to mandate […]

Global Digital Identity of Persons and Objects

The World Trade Organization (WTO) and World Economic Forum (WEF) recently published a report that encourages the use of a global digital identity program for persons and objects. The report centers on global trade but is the first step toward introducing global AI tracking. Under the guise of COVID, the two organizations claim that trade […]