Showing 962 Results for vaccine
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Showing 962 Results for vaccine
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October 11, 2022
Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo posted a warning on Twitter only to have the platform silence him. It is his responsibility to inform the public of potential health hazards. There should be a crackdown of Twitter for stifling free speech. The surgeon general’s tweet was reinstated after the weekend amid backlash. Hopefully, their […]
September 28, 2022
Canada is finally ending the absurd COVID vaccine mandates. No, Trudeau did not come to his senses. The truth of the matter is that the majority of people dying from COVID are the triple and quadruple vaccinated. In fact, they account for 90% of COVID-related deaths in the past three months. There is true mass […]
September 14, 2022
Big Pharma is continually pushing these vaccinations onto every member of the global population. Yet, the data coming out (eventually) cannot be ignored. UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) claims that “the offer of Covid jabs to healthy five to 11-year-olds was always meant to be temporary.” How can a gene-modifying mRNA vaccine be temporary? This […]
August 11, 2022
Newly elected President Rodrigo Chaves has outlawed vaccine mandates. “Today vaccines are no longer mandatory and any action against someone who does not want to be vaccinated is a violation of the law,” the president stated. Although the president is vaccinated, he stated that was a health decision he personally made. It is now against […]
August 5, 2022
NorthShore University HealthSystem in Chicago was sued by a nonprofit religious organization called Liberty Counsel. The group claims that NorthShore violated workers’ religious autonomy by dismissing religious exemptions and forcing all workers to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. NorthShore was in the wrong and decided to settle for $10,337,500. Over 500 current and past employees will […]
June 24, 2022
My computer had forecast that Florida would be the best state to migrate to 6 years ago. I ran the studies on hurricanes. Everything came up roses. We held our World Economic Conferences here in Orlando because there were very few places we could have even had a conference. People ask me if I […]
June 22, 2022
A new Israeli peer-reviewed paper published in “Andrology” shows that the COVID vaccine “temporarily impairs semen concentration and total motile count.” The study specifically examined the Pfizer vaccination among sperm donors and found that sperm counts declined for five months following the second injection. However, there seems to be a discrepancy in whether sperm levels […]
June 14, 2022
Justin Trudeau contracted COVID for the second time this year. He is using his new diagnosis as a marketing campaign for Canadians to become human pushpin cushions. So he allegedly took numerous shots and boosters and still contracted the rarely deadly virus. According to the Oxford dictionary, delusion is “characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs […]
June 8, 2022
Bill Gates is not a doctor. He is not even a specialist in disease or history. He has been influenced by his father, and the two of them have been influenced by Thomas Malthus who advocated promoting the plague to reduce the population because it would one day run out of food. This seems […]
June 3, 2022
Stefan Oelrich, head of Bayer’s pharmaceuticals department, admitted at the World Health Summit that the COVID-19 vaccine is gene therapy. He smugly stated that the drug companies knew people would reject the vaccine if they knew it was in fact a gene-altering injectable. They lied to us for profits as the vaccine certainly did not […]