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Norway Abandons all Restrictions & US Turns Authoritarian

QUESTION: Hi Martin, You’ve taught the current “loss of confidence in government” cycle doesn’t peak until 2032. Are you surprised how much confidence has been lost and how authoritative government has become this early in the cycle? Hell, it’s only 2021 and it’s already a shit show. Thanks, Jack T ANSWER: No. Everything is on […]

Rand Paul & Why

  Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was fully vaccinated, has tested positive for COVID. Obviously, getting the vaccine does not prevent you from contracting COVID or spreading it. There is something VERY VERY VERY wrong here. This is from the CDC’s website, which clearly has a section on the measles vaccine (MMR), warning that those who […]

The Pawn of Finance – The Free Markets Now Get to Vote

This year’s World Economic Conference will be interesting. There is no need to talk about the Great Reset or vaccines, as we are confronted with a very unique economic situation. Quite frankly, I seriously doubt that those handling Biden have any idea of the consequences of their end game goals that will be unleashed on […]

Yellen Refuses to Answer on Deficit Spending

    Whatever respect I once had for Yellen after her warnings to Draghi has been wiped out. Now that Janet Yellen is in the White House, she has shown that she is no longer trustworthy and has abandoned all integrity for a political game. All the Democrats have to do is reduce the spending […]

This is Getting Really Insane

Well, my phone has been red hot today. There are some people in Washington who should call to get a reality check. Biden’s plan for spending is in trouble, and even Democrats are starting to wonder who the hell is pulling these strings. There have been proposals to save the planet and impose about an […]

San Francisco to Pay People Not to Shoot Others

Believe it or not, San Francisco reveals how capitalism might be able to solve the crime surge. The Dream Keeper Fellowship is launching in October, and it will pay individuals $300 each month to not be involved in shootings. Meanwhile, they haven’t put 2 and 2 together. Rising crime is due to their destruction of […]

Sometimes the Little Guy Can Shut Down Government

  We are standing silent when the unelected and unaccountable elites wage war to change society and how we should live. This is an all-out war against not just the American people but the entire world. They have taken control of our pretend representatives who have converted our free societies into tyranny. This picture from […]

Testing Propaganda

QUESTION: YouTube is pulling all content off that challenges vaccines. They do say the number of infections is rising sharply. Would you care to explain? DG ANSWER: Yes, YouTube is in full swing for censorship. They will remove anything contrary to these vaccines. This is anti-American and people should be allowed to see both sides. […]

The Deep State Won – Now Deal With It!

I have stated very clearly that up until 1999, I was part of a vetting process where I would meet people who wanted to run for president. They were told I was there to explain how the world economy functioned, but I was told to assess if I believed they were mentally capable of comprehending […]

Bill Gates’ Idol

John Davison Rockefeller Sr. (1839–1937) was born into a large, poor family in upstate New York that moved to Cleveland, Ohio. He became an assistant bookkeeper at age 16 and went into several business partnerships beginning at age 20, concentrating his business on oil refining. He became rich when he founded the Standard Oil Company […]