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Fauci Has Lied but Biden Will Not Remove Him

    Bill Gates has been funding Fauci, and Gates insists that the entire world must be vaccinated but refuses to give vaccines to poor countries. Instead, he wants the wealthy countries to pay him full price for the vaccines and hand them over to the poor nations. So much for caring about the health […]

Australian Politicians Becoming Absolutely Ruthless

  Australia is turning into East Germany. This appears to be deliberate and the politicians are clearly using COVID to impose totalitarianism. Australia will no longer be a free state and reliable sources insist that either all future elections will be suspended, or they will be rigged which is starting to become the norm as […]

Bill Gates Lying

  Let’s be very clear. Gates has a huge stake in all the big vaccine companies. Marginally, if he makes just $1 per shot, he stands to become not only the richest man but the richest man in all of history.  

The Democrat’s Veterans Crisis

COMMENT: I just need to vent. I use to be a Democrat but will never vote for one again. I am a Vet and under Obama, we were treated as second-rate citizens. Many would die waiting for a doctor. Under Trump, he turned the VA upside down. If they cannot see you, they have to […]

Boris Johnson Poster Child for Morally Corrupt Politicians?

QUESTION: You refused to advise Boris Johnson. Do you think that was a mistake? WJ ANSWER: No. You have to understand that there are meetings where people are seriously interested in talking about options. Then there are people where you are simply there as window-dressing so they can pretend that they listened to experts. All […]

The Public is Growing Tired of COVID – Window is Closing

There are members of the press that are starting to question this narrative in different parts of the world from Germany to Australia. I was in a store and the girl did not have a mask on. I said great. Glad to do business with you. She replied she has had enough of masks and […]

Reaching September-October

QUESTION: Marty, we have reached the next target on your model from September to October. This indeed seems to be getting very dark. Any comments? HC   ANSWER: When we look behind the curtain, the resistance is forming. Brazil has told Pfizer they will not mandate vaccines unless Pfizer takes responsibility for all claims, which […]

Is South America Turning Anti-Marxist?

It seems like we are in a period where everyone just moves in the opposite direction of what they have been. Where Klaus Schwab says you will own nothing and be happy,  those in the former communist states of China and Russia never saw it that way. Ironically, the land that is becoming more free […]

The Next US Civil War

COMMENT: Marty, You have been right about everything! This nightmare has unfolded exactly as you said it would globally not just here in the USA and nobody listened. I have attended many WEC’s and I’m so grateful for you and your staff. This feels hopeless. Is it time to leave the US? Where to? I’m […]

Fauci Has no Answer why to Force People Who Had Covid to Vaccinate

QUESTION: Marty; I had covid-19 and it was like the flu. Why do I have to now get vaccinated? I have never heard of getting the flu and then the doctor tells you to get the vaccine after the fact. I agree something is not right. This must be part of some sinister agenda. Any […]