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Are We Facing a Biological War?

  This is the Chinese response to the finger-pointing at China being responsible for the leak of COVID-19. What it brings up can be verified in some aspects. It is just their reply which is political from their perspective. Nonetheless, I continue to believe that all the sources I had were too coincidental that this […]

Israel Taking Children from UNVACCINATED Parents?

  There seems to be nobody with common sense in governments anymore. Perhaps this is what leads to worldwide revolution and blood-bath by 2032. In Israel, they are actually confiscating children, even newborns, from parents if they were unvaccinated. VACCINES WILL NOT END COVID ANY MORE THAN THEY PREVENT FLU EACH YEAR Now parents are […]

Sky News Agrees to be Censored by YouTube

Sky News has agreed to be censored to stop reporting and remove all previous posts that there is ANY way to treat COVID other than Bill Gates’ Vaccines. YouTube has become the ultimate censorship mimicking precisely how the communist press aided the Marxist Revolution. When I went to Tampa Hospital, besides telling me that being […]

The Real Agenda – Reply

  COMMENT: Hello Dear Mr Armstrong, In your recent article “what-is-the-real-agenda-with-vaccines-climate-change” You talk about power to be given to the UN for reasons that are cooked up with bad science. I agree, but I also see that this will never fully happen : China and Russia will not transfer power to the UN no matter what. […]

Who Should be Vaccinated & Who Should NOT!

My problem with this whole vaccine question is that many people are dying after being vaccinated and others are fine. This demand that EVERYONE must be vaccinated without any regard for safety is outrageous. For employers to even step into this quagmire is beyond belief when COVID is no worse than the flu insofar as […]

Pfizer’s Immunity & Monopoly?

  There really was no regulation to speak of when it came to medicine prior to the 20th century. The Food and Drug Administration was not created until 1906 which was followed by the Federal Trade Commission in 1914. Before then. there really were no restrictions on the types of claims that could be made […]

COVID Pandemic Can Never End Because 50% of People Have Been Vaccinated

  Nearly 50% of those who have COVID in Israel were fully vaccinated. The significance of this overlooked detail is that getting vaccinated will NOT STOP COVID. This means there will NEVER be a return to normal – it is impossible. A staff member went to a party in Miami and returned with the Delta […]

Why We Will Really Need COVID Passports

Proof of vaccination or of recovery from the infection is increasingly being demanded, not just for international travel but also within many countries. The rising demand for a covid passport threatens our liberty going forward because COVID is certainly no more lethal than the flu and appears to hit the same age group. With every […]

What a Real Doctor Has to Say

There are a lot of doctors who read these posts, and there are doctors I know and can vouch for as being real. This is an email from one such person I can personally vouch for. In every field, we have people who are actually good at what they do, and others who simply repeat […]

Questions Presented

QUESTION #1: Do you think we are living in the end times? It seems like they are trying to absolutely control every aspect of our lives with cryptocurrencies to depopulation. Any thoughts? REPLY: I realize a lot of people are drawing that correlation to religious prophecies be it Christain or Muslim. Virtually every religion sees […]