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The Battle over the Virus – Real or Not

REQUEST-ECDC-AND-RESPONSE There is a huge debate over the COVID-19 and if this is real or not. But this ends up being a distraction because it is a tool, real or not, that is being used to eliminate human rights and end democracy. That is the end goal because the CURRENT system of borrowing endlessly requires […]

COVID & Isolating the Virus

  QUESTION: Has this virus been isolated? So many say it has not but how can it be engineered if it is not isolated? SJ ANSWER: It has been identified/isolated. I am not sure why people claim it was not. It was created in a lab, that much I am pretty well convinced. Even in […]

Behind the Curtain

  Jennifer Accuri, who had a love affair with Boris Johnson and obviously knows him very well, has also been out talking about what is going on behind the curtain. I have heard that this drive for 100% vaccination has at its core the attempt to whip society into obedient drones. That is the real […]

End Private Donations to FDA & CDC – NOW!

Our greatest problem has been that Bill Gates has his tentacles deeply involved in the CDC and FDA while he has a major shareholding in the vaccine companies. If I was managing a big public fund or just a big private investor, the Federal Reserve, Treasury, and every other central bank in the world would […]

Pension Funds & the New Norm

COMMENT: Well Marty, it’s not so hard to figure out which pension funds are your clients. All we have to do is look at the ones cutting government bond holdings. All the top pensions in Japan were always at all your WEC events. I remember talking to the attendees of Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund. […]

The Real COVID Agenda Nobody Will Expose

In Germany, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) wanted another lockdown to push forward the agenda of the Great Reset. A secret paper of the controversial RKI boss Lothar Wieler was leaked, which was pushing an agenda to lock down the country again, disguising the true goals, which had nothing to do with health. From the […]

Berlin Protest August 1, 2021

  There was a massive protest with tens of thousands of people protesting the new lockdowns. The official press claimed there was only 600 and naturally labelled them as Nazis. The previous week, there was a Gay Pride demonstration and the police did nothing. Here the police were beating protestors and a  49-year-old man died […]

Where to Live & The Population Crisis

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Are there any countries that will be safe from mandatory experimental vaccines? Can you please cover where in the world is going to be safe to live at the next WEC. Thanks, P ANSWER: I realize that is becoming the #1 question. I am working on the materials for the WEC now. […]

COVID & Infertility

  The governor of Arkansas brought up the #1 question that has been rising more than anything – do the vaccines result in infertility? You have to listen to the words of this doctor “at this time” she claims there is no medical evidence that the vaccines cause infertility. What she then says in the […]

Who is the Real Culprit?

There is a serious question arising and that is if Klaus Schwab has been manipulated by Bill Gates? I know for an ABSOLUTE FACT that Schwab was vaccinated in February 2021. I do not believe that Schwab is conspiring with the vaccine insofar as knowing it is some form of genocide. Based on what I […]