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Protests in Europe Continue – Lockdowns & Curfews were a Tool of Hitler

    In Germany, some police are still anti-human rights, using their authority to beat people up for protesting. When a revolution does come, such people will realize their power can easily evaporate.   Governments are following precisely the same strategy as Adolf Hitler. Hitler routinely enforced curfews on anyone who was not a Nazi. […]

Market Talk – April 26, 2021

ASIA: China will launch a series of promotional activities, including a new consumer goods expo in southern Hainan province, in May to boost spending as the Chinese retail sector recovers from COVID-19-induced consumer caution. Expanding domestic consumption is a priority in China’s “dual circulation” economic strategy, first highlighted by President Xi Jinping last year in […]

Should Zuckerberg & Facebook be Shut Down?

  Facebook deleted 120,000 member group where people posted stories of alleged adverse vaccine reactions. I have stated before that I worked on Capitol Hill trying to make a difference both on taxation and converting Social Security into a wealth fund that actually invested instead of just buying government debt. I met with Dick Army, […]

Market Talk – April 23, 2021

ASIA: India’s biggest oil refiner, Indian Oil Corp Ltd’s refineries are operating at about 95% of their capacity, down from 100% at the same time last month, Reuters reported. Coronavirus cases have surged in India, leading to curbs on movement across the country, a move analyst say could hit fuel demand in the world’s third-largest […]

We are in Real Trouble

  The number of teenage suicides has skyrocketed. I have spoken to fathers who moved to Florida because their boys were suicidal under lockdowns as their dreams were all about sports. Now a father in Illinois has come out against the lockdowns after his son committed suicide and was dreaming of a sports career. Fauci, […]

Market Talk – April 20, 2021

ASIA: China on Tuesday kept the one-year loan prime rate (LPR) unchanged at 3.85% and five-year LPR at 4.65%. That was in line with predictions from a majority of traders and analysts in a Reuters poll, who had expected no change to either the one-year or five-year LPR. India will waive its 10% customs duty […]


QUESTION: Do Americans have to be concerned about having money in foreign exchanges in places like London or other European countries if they impose capital controls? Is this as big a risk for Americans and you wrote it is for Europeans? EM ANSWER: Yes. They will require you to prove that you are not fronting […]

How Did “COVID Denier President” John Magufuli Die?

Tanzanian President John Magufuli went missing at the end of February 2021. For 18 days, the president’s whereabouts were unknown until he was pronounced dead on March 17, 2021. Global media headlines of the seemingly healthy 61-year-old’s death marked him a “COVID Denier President,” and his reported cause of death ranged from heart failure to […]

Market Talk – April 19, 2021

ASIA: Cai Fang, a member of China’s central bank’s monetary policy committee, said China’s population is set to peak in just four years and a significant downturn in consumer demand will mark the milestone. Cai, who joined the central bank’s advisory body last month after retiring from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said the […]

The Ultimate Protection Better than Masks or Shields

  The leftist governments are ecstatic. This is the ultimate protection against COVID and revolution, for it prevents freedom of assembly and speech to mass crowds. Face shields and masks have been proven ineffective. I had to laugh. I was in the food store and my mask was below my nose. A guy wearing a […]