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Showing 973 Results for vaccine
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May 13, 2020
It has been no secret that Modi of India has been desperately trying to force his nation out of cash and into the world of electronic currency. It has long been assumed that Modi has been a part of Bill Gates’ vision of the future. The left is always the most dangerous because they see […]
May 11, 2020
COMMENT: Dear Marty thank you so much for informing us all about this whole corona hoax i had real trouble understanding why you were suggesting this was a hoax in January already could not match it with the facts i had available then and thought you had lost it that put me in real stress, having […]
May 8, 2020
ASIA: The official Urban Unemployment rate in China was 5.9% in March, as per the data published by the Ministry of Commerce. Yet, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a think tank run by the government, has published a report stating that the actual data could be far greater. Beijing’s data does not include people […]
May 8, 2020
My objection is straight forward. (1) anyone who wants to accept a vaccine from Bill Gates that will be rushed through despite his influence even in the FDA should be free to do so. (2) Those of us who do not trust him should have the right to reject it equally as well. I am […]
May 8, 2020
Here is the deal. Politicians may not read every letter, but they know how to count. Staff will report how many times they get a letter pro/con on an issue, and they will assume that every letter they get many will assume it represent 100 or someone less. The least dignity is generally assigned to […]
May 8, 2020
As I have said, it gives me no pleasure to have to target an individual. I personally feel it is unprofessional, but in this case, Gates has made this a personal vendetta to force the world to comply with his vision using undemocratic means creating a monopoly of the global healthcare system pretending to be […]
May 7, 2020
ASIA: China said that their exports rose 3.5% in April, crushing expectations of a group of economists who predicted a decline of 1-5.7% for the same period. According to data from the General Administration of Customs released on Thursday, exports rose 3.5% from a year ago while imports fell 14.2% in the same period. China’s […]
May 7, 2020
Trump is disbanding his team on the virus and that include Fauci. It is hard to go against him for the Democrats will continue to raise him falsely as the savior of America along with Bill Gates. But in a NIH 2005 study, the found that “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection […]
May 7, 2020
I have very good sources as most people know. Gates must be stopped by breaking up his monopoly on Health. How do we do that? You must get out your damn pen, get off your locked-downed but, and write to your Congress representative, Senator, and the White House. Why? Because they were bribed to […]
May 6, 2020
ASIA: China is aiming to complete work on its space station within about two years, officials said after the launch of a new spacecraft on Tuesday. China eventually plans to send four crewed space missions and cargo craft to complete work on its permanent space station. China challenged US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to […]