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Market Talk – March 17, 2020

ASIA: India closed the Taj Mahal, one of the world’s premier tourist destinations, to counter the COVID-19 virus outbreak in the country. India has so far managed to keep cases low by responding fast and aggressively to the coronavirus and urging people to practice social distancing. India has reported 125 cases of the coronavirus. India […]

Coronavirus is Mutating & a Cure May be Weeks Away

Israel has come out and stated that it is only weeks away from developing a vaccine against the novel coronavirus, according to its science and technology minister. Meanwhile, the coronavirus has evolved into two major lineages and it is possible to be infected with both, a new study shows. In 1918, the world was a […]

Market Talk – March 6, 2020

  ASIA: China’s economy could be contracting this year for the first time since the 70s, according to analysts, as the country grinds to a halt due to the coronavirus. The Caixin purchasing managers index dropped drastically to 26.5 from 51.6, the lowest level since 2005. The Reserve Bank of India has taken over one […]

Coronavirus & Speculation

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I sincerely appreciate your reluctance to comment without direct knowledge and reliable resources. I do think someone seems to be giving this coronavirus more media attention than normal. I am not sure if this is being hyped for vaccines, politics, or what. I trust you will be honest when you have done […]

Punxsutawney Phil’s Groundhog Weather Predictions Beats UN’s Climate Change Forecasts

  QUESTION: have you ever tested Punxsutawney Phil‘s predictions of spring with your forecasts? how often was he correct? TT REPLY: The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club has kept track of  Punxsutawney Phil’s predictions. Actually, his forecasts have been far better than the climate change/global warming crowd who said snow would cease to exist and we should […]

Coronavirus & China’s Bio-Weapons Lab Conspiracy

There is a conspiracy theory that is running around very fast which portrays this Coronavirus which began in Wuhan may be linked to two laboratories of the Chinese bio-warfare program. This story is making the news but it appears to be just a coincidence at this time. The laboratory is the only declared site in China […]

The Disease Cycle Turned Up – Next Peak 2022

1918-1920 Influenza Pandemic QUESTION: Hi Marty, You had mentioned that it is possible that the Ebola virus becomes an issue in 2019, your model was certainly picking a big disease/war event. The Wuhan virus had not been identified at the time however given the recent acceleration of this breakout and the fact it was announced […]

Klaus Schwab – the Totalitarian of the 21st Century

Klaus Schwab is the person who has been behind the destruction of the world economy. As I have said, those on the left also see that utopia is just around the corner but to get there they must embrace totalitarianism. Schwab is, of course, an academic business professor at the University of Geneva. He wants […]

Pharmaceutical Companies & Buying Immunity

Most people are unaware of the EXTREME DANGER posed by the Pharmaceutical Industry and their effort to force vaccines on the entire population by law and at the same time to exempt themselves from any liability. In 1987, Democrat William Herbert Gray sponsored H.R.3545 – Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987. Stuffed in this act […]

Ebola Rising Again in Africa

While the bad news is Ebola has risen again and spread, the good news is that there has been an experimental vaccine that appears to have been 97.5% effective. The survival rate for children under the age of 5 seems to be only about 25%. As reported by the Telegraph, the previous nine outbreaks ended […]