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Trump Blaming China Without Investigating the West?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Do you disagree with Trump blaming China for this virus leaking from their lab? HB ANSWER: I do not care if it was a mistaken leak from China’s lab or it was sent here by aliens intending to invade the planet. The source is irrelevant. There are also conspiracy theories that it […]

World Health Organization Demanded Sweden Lock Down To Cover Its Own Fraud

The New York Times and others are out in full force to defend Bill Gates, their savior of the world. They distort everything and try to pretend he is this wonderful man who only has our best interests at heart. They also refuse to address how the World Health Organization has carried out the greatest […]

What is the Agenda?

It is becoming increasingly obvious that the more socialistic the country, the greater the demand for us to be tracked. Australia is telling its people if you want to end the lockdown, then you must be tracked. This virus is by no means so dangerous to warrant such a complete breakdown of all our liberty. […]

Trump Opening America Again

  President Trump played a very smart move against the FAKE NEWS contingent. He outlined broad new federal guidelines for opening up the country that will put the onus on governors to decide how to restart the economies in their states amid mounting fallout from the coronavirus outbreak. The federal guidance doesn’t set a specific […]

Will We Starve? Do Politicians Even Understand What They Are Doing?

QUESTION: Dear Sir, Best of health to you and your family. What i observe and it is amazing is that every-day-ordinary people like me, are very worried but they are underestimating the disaster that will follow. Everyone says it is gonna be bad but when i am expressing my opinion on how black will be […]

Market Talk – April 14, 2020

ASIA: India has extended its national lockdown until May 3, 2020. Prime Minister Modi announced this decision today in a televised address to the nation. After April 20, some states that have avoided outbreaks may be allowed to resume. The country has at least 10,363 reported cases, including 339 deaths, according to the Ministry of […]

A Post from Spain

From Anonymous in Spain: After more than a month of the strictest possible lockdown, it just keeps being extended… they are conditioning the masses to accept that no return to normal life will be possible until everyone is vaccinated (and, thankfully, the mankind loving Bill Gates is fast developing a vaccine – yay!). Now, while […]

How Journalists Are Destroying Their Own Jobs

  This is clearly political. The numbers just do not support this panic they are less than the annual flu. Granted, they are rising now, but that is because of the massive fraud going on thanks to the American Medical Association. You would think the death rate is 50% like the Black Plague. Every news […]

The End of Democracy?

COMMENT #1 [From Germany]: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I owe you an apology. For a long time I was of the opinion that the measures (lockdown, social distancing, flattening the curve) were fully justified. I had also clearly expressed this in my e-mails to you. I must admit that I was wrong. I am a learning […]

China v Gates – Spinning the Conspiracies

There are two schools of thought running around. One blames China for experimenting with Bat Viruses and insist that this was not intentional, but a leak from the Wuhan Lab because of a lack of security. There are some who want to file lawsuits against China in the USA, Britain, and India for damages. Xi […]