Tag: 14th amendment
House Democrats Pushing to Permit Migrants to Vote
May 13, 2024
I’m posting this so there’s no confusion about what democrats had planned all along for the upcoming election. pic.twitter.com/J1HAub3dRI — sandy...
PoliticsUSDA: Straight White Male Farmers Will Receive Disaster Aid Last
April 12, 2024
Admiral Rachel Levine was appointed as the U.S. Public Health Service, Assistant Secretary for Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under Biden’s...
AgricultureGuaranteed Basic Income Pilot Program for Transexuals
April 9, 2024
San Francisco is launching a guaranteed basic income pilot program for transexuals. These individuals are capable of working, but the woke government believes that...
WOKEThe Collapse of a Nation Takes 13 years
March 11, 2024
In law, it has been a maxim that bad facts make bad law. Every lawyer knows that. That is why the government will seek the worst case to expand the law and apply it...
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