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Tag: 2015.75

The Collapse of Socialism/Marxism

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your conference was exactly as you have said. A fantastic networking event. It was like a college reunion of like minded people coming...

NASA Reports Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum

NASA has reported that Antarctic sea ice (different from Artic ice) reached a new record maximum. Meanwhile, top Russian scientist Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov, who...

ECM 2015.75: The Rock vs. Hard Place

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, with your 2015.75 turning point on the ECM, you said that was the peak in government and the following 4.3 years would turn down rather...

Asset Recycling – Robbing Pensions to Cover Govt. Costs

We are facing a pension crisis, thanks to negative interest rates that have destroyed pension funds. Pension funds are a tempting pot of money that government...

BREXIT on Schedule

QUESTION: I attended your May 1999 seminar in London. I am the person who asked you when would Britain exit the EU. You said not before 2016. Can you elaborate on...

Financial Instability & the Fed

The argument that the Fed should do nothing because it will be harder to correct a rate rise than to do nothing because there is no bubble anywhere, demonstrates...

The Sixth Wave

Yes, we will be addressing the seriousness of the culmination of the last three waves. 2015.75 was the start of the Big Bang — the midpoint in this immediate...

2015.75 Seems to be On Target

We have been warning that this turning point was different. Instead of a crash in private assets, as in 1998.55 or 2007.15 when the Case-Schiller peaked to the day,...

The Bond Crisis & 2015.75

Some people have wrongly expected a crash in the long bonds. What has actually happened is that China and others have sold into the high, liquidating their long...

How to Convert ECM Dates

  Note: Because this was over .5 of a day, we refer to this target as September 30/October...