Questions submitted by the Spanish Press Q: You predicted an economic peak by October 1, and you suggest there may be a U.S. government shutdown on that day....
QUESTION: What will happen after 2015.75? Can you share anything? Thanks from those who cannot attend your conference PD ANSWER: All systems tend to...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Is the velocity of money an indicator of booms and bust? Didn’t the QE program by the Fed increase the money supply? Then why do we...
QUESTION: A false move? I don’t follow.. If as you say the European money that’s been buying US stocks is now heading back to Europe, who will be the...
QUESTION: Martin, Can you explain more fully why you are expecting the market to rally post 2015.75 while at the same time the economy turns down? Is it merely...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, a friend introduced me to your site. He said you are the source and everyone, even the most famous, seem to reshape their forecasts to...
Congress kicked the can down the road to precisely the ECM target date. This is when the government will go into shutdown mode. There is a greater than 50/50 chance...
One confusing aspect that people encounter is when a Time Straddle takes place on the Arrays. A Time Straddle occurs when the target in time straddles two...
History repeats because human nature never differs. I have warned that Albert Einstein was correct: you can NEVER solve a problem with the same line of thing that...
Trump is hitting very hard, clearly tapping into the emerging anti-establishment politician trend. He bluntly states, “Who do you want negotiating with China?...