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Tag: 2027

Macron Considers Sending Troops to Ukraine

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and French President Emmanuel Macron have been collaborating on ideas to send French troops to Ukraine. “Today I spoke...

The Problem with K-Waves

All those investigating cycles within the economy made a simple mistake. Kondratieff followed agriculture/commodity prices when agriculture accounted for 70% of the...

Guaranteed Basic Income Pilot Program for Transexuals

San Francisco is launching a guaranteed basic income pilot program for transexuals. These individuals are capable of working, but the woke government believes that...

China v Taiwan – The Draft Begins

Chinese President Xi Jinping announced that he is preparing for war. The military budget will grow by about 7.2% this year after it has already doubled over the...

Dimon Suggests PROPERTY CONFISCATION to Combat Climate Change

Democracy is under attack. JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon , who has been bought by the World Economic Forum, believes the US government should seize private...

Macron & the April 10th Election

On April 10, the election in France will take place, and Macron is ahead for now with 27% of the vote. But Macron has been using his position as the European Union...

Boris Johnson Poster Child for Morally Corrupt Politicians?

QUESTION: You refused to advise Boris Johnson. Do you think that was a mistake? WJ ANSWER: No. You have to understand that there are meetings where people are...

K-Wave – Real or Not?

QUESTION: What is your opinion on Kondratieff Waves? EH ANSWER: All those investigating cycles within the economy made a simple mistake. Kondratieff followed...

The 2020 Election – The Most Corrupt in American History

The polls will be manipulated to show Trump will lose. While our computer shows he should win, caution is necessary because we are also showing this will be the...