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Tag: 2032

Property Rights are Human Rights — 2032.95

Here is a simple explanation of property rights for those who would like to abolish capitalism. Klaus Schwab says, “You will own nothing, and you will be...

The Plot of the Demigods

QUESTION: Marty, Did you ever think when you studied history, created Socrates, then observed what would unfold in the future would lead you to what we see...

Anyone Can Run for Speaker of the House in Congress

Most people do not know, but the Speaker of the House is just another political job that is subject to the vote of the members of Congress.  A Democrat has...

Human Rights & 2580 Years

The battle for human rights has unfolded over the course of thousands of years. The oldest record is that of the Cyrus Cylinder, which is an ancient clay artifact...

Turning Out the Light When the Bankers Leave Town

I have written before how a friend of mine who is very senior at one of the investment banks in New York called to see if I would go to dinner. I thought he was...

Are we Headed into Another Ice Age?

Our model has projected we are entering another “grand-minimum,” which will overtake the sun beginning in 2020 and will last through the 2050s,...

Collapse of Entertainment – Including Sports

  Oscar viewing fell below 10 million, a crash mode from last year’s historic low of 23.6 million viewers compared to nearly 30 million in 2019...

What is 2032?

Many people have asked, “Why is 2032 going to be such a major change in the world’s political economy and society as a whole?” We are confronted...

The Rise & Fall of Empires, Nations, & City States has been Going on for Thousands of Years – It’s Just Our Turn!

COMMENT: Marty: I was re-reading Herodotus and saw early in his book a reference to the rise and fall of civilizations pertinent to the concept of capital flows:...

What Kind of Civil Unrest Are We Looking At?

COMMENT #1: There is civil unrest in America, there is no civil unrest in Europe, nothing, zero. You are just so patriotic that it is always America up, Europe...