Tag: 2032
Where Does 2032 Come From?
February 18, 2019
QUESTION #1: Thank you for choosing to live the strength of your convictions – especially through the terrible dark days of your solitary confinement. Thank...
ECMThe Hatred from the Left
February 9, 2019
You can feel it in the air. We are heading into the collapse of government and a violent civil war because hatred is rising dramatically. The government is no...
Civil UnrestSolar Cycle 24 to Bottom with the Economic Confidence Model 2020
June 28, 2018
The deep minimum of Solar Cycle 23 and its potential impact on climate change has been interesting. In addition, a source region of the solar winds at solar...
Climate2032 – How Hard Do We Fall?
June 22, 2018
QUESTION: Hi Martin, First, I’d like to offer my condolences on your mother’s passing. It feels to me that you must take great satisfaction in...
ECMFinancial Capitol of the World & Its Migration
September 30, 2016
QUESTION: I am a great admirer of your Socrates model, but there’s one thing in your personal pronouncements that seem to contain a contradiction. On the one hand...
China Understanding CyclesOpinion Infected by Bias
September 9, 2016
QUESTION: Marty; Why do you say your opinion is not worth much? You have been around for some time and you are the only analyst to have been behind the curtain. If...
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