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Tag: Abortion

Don’t Divert Your Attention to Roe v. Wade

A coming Supreme Court ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade was secretly “leaked.” Uncoincidentally, the news came right before the 2022 US midterm elections....

Mandating Vaccines Win in Courts

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Here in Australia our last legal hope hinged on a case in the NSW Supreme court against mandatory vaccinations. I personally donated to this...

Cultural Differences in the United States

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I have been reading your blog for about 5yrs now. Do you think that the Alabama “anti-abortion” bill could be one of the...

Supreme Court Overrules California’s Compelled Speech of Abortion

The Supreme Court delivered a decision in the last week of its session that dealt a major blow to a California law requiring anti-abortion pregnancy centers to...

Welcome Goldman Sachs to the White House

You really have to question what Trump was thinking when he commented that he supports punishing women for having illegal abortions. Of course, he has now come out...

In Kentucky Men To Require Note From Wife for Viagra

  Mary Lou Marzian, a politician in Kentucky, introduced a bill that has really raised some eyebrows. The bill proposes to ban men from accessing Viagra and...