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QUESTION: Sir, Discussing Ukraine with a friend, I brought up the Belgrade Agreement of 1991. Searching the internet I found one article besides your blog spot...
Thirty years later, the world continues to thrive. The climate zealots claimed we had about 10 years left on this Earth. Limbaugh calls out Gore for blaming global...
Jennifer Morgan of Greenpeace has been behind Greta Thunberg, and I believe was caught even writing her speeches. She is friends with Al Gore who succeeded in...
NASA claims: Over the past 100 years, global temperatures have risen about 1 degree C (1.8 degrees F), with sea-level response to that warming totaling about 160 to...
The egotistical Bill Gates apparently wanted the Nobel Peace Prize like Al Gore for his climate change efforts, or perhaps for his zero CO2 and reducing the...
In the April 28, 1975 edition of Newsweek, they actually proposed solutions for climate change that included outlawing internal combustion engines. The interesting...
QUESTION: Isn’t Bill Gates linked with Al Gore and Greenpeace? Was he too using Greta? Wasn’t he funding covert political events in India? KR ANSWER: I...
All of the data that these climate activists have been using is an absolute fraud. It is untrue that 97% of scientists agree to any of this nonsense. They create...
QUESTION: Marty, is it true that Al Gore was behind the Y2K scare back in 2000 that all the computers would crash and nothing happened? JC ANSWER: Yes. It was Al...