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Tag: ancient coins

Hoarding Gold – Boscoreale Treasure

Perhaps one of the most famous discoveries from Pompeii is known as the Boscoreale Treasure. This discovery came to light in 1895, when the treasure was uncovered...

Documenting History with Coins

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Your writings on Rome and the parallels are astounding because, as you say, human nature never changes. I took my family to Rome for a...

It’s a Matter of Confidence

COMMENT: Marty; I really do not think people give you enough credit whilst they all pretend to claim they called it correctly just a couple of months ago. I was at...

The Flight from Government – Public to Private

The annual New York Coin show auctions set some unbelievable records this year. This beautiful Dekadrachm of Syracuse which last year would have sold for $50,000,...

Rarest Roman Coin of All Time

QUESTION: Marty; What is the rarest Roman coin? I figure nobody really knows that answer better than you. PH ANSWER: There are three major coins of which only one...

Revealing History

COMMENT: I find it interesting how two people the general consensus has said were scoundrels, John Law and Julius Caesar, you have shown were actually people...

Collectibles Bull Market Exploding

  The collectible market has been exploding. The first vintage issue of “Batman #1” recently sold for more than $2.2 million at auction, breaking the...

Ancient Coins Soaring in Price

This is historically perhaps the most important coin of the Roman Republic. It was estimated at £500,000 and it sold for £2,700,000 ($3.5 million). This is the...

Roman Coins Wash up on Beach in Florida

  There have been discoveries of Roman coins in Japan as well as in North America. There has even been the discovery of a Roman sword in Newfoundland. Now, a...

Is Gold Still Liquid in Bullion Form?

QUESTION: Hi Martin– Thank you for your daily blog. I read it first thing each morning. Regarding the bank liquidity problems with the Eurozone banks: would...