QUESTION: We see that the United States can borrow all it needs at minimal cost and we also see that we’re getting a big boost from falling energy/commodity...
QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong, Thank you EVER SO MUCH for everything that you do even for ordinary folks like me who are not traders but just want to have a good...
QUESTION: Hi Marty, I saw another article about a trove of 4,000 Roman coins found in Switzerland. I read that the earliest date was 274 AD, during the reign of...
QUESTION: Is it true that tourism existed in ancient times? I was in Italy and the guide said this was an ancient tradition. ANSWER: Augustus (27 BC-14 AD) wiped...
Whenever someone discovers something that contradicts established academia, their findings are suppressed. This is true in economics, earth sciences, and even...
QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, How does the ECM stack up against The Punic Wars which left the victor, Rome,the Mediterranean superpower and on the road to Empire? Many...
QUESTION: Thank you for your fascinating blog. I thoroughly enjoy reading your analysis on social, political, financial and historical topics. i would like to make...
Angela Merkel and IMF chief Christine Lagarde can laugh it up as Europe burns down. The whole crisis stems from antiquated ideas that center on what money actually...
French customs officials received a tip that lead to the confiscation of a rare painting. The Guardian reported that French customs officers boarded a yacht...