Tag: anti-establishment
The Road Ahead
September 2, 2016
I am receiving tons of emails from amazed readers who are congratulating me on our model that forecast a rise in third party activity from Europe to Asia. This rise...
Civil Unrest PoliticsUprising Against Government is Global
September 3, 2015
COMMENT: Martin – The distaste for and turning-away from status-quo government that you predicted several years ago is showing up in more countries: (Sweden)...
Q&AThe Rise of a Third Party or Transcendence to a New Political Era?
August 18, 2015
QUESTION: Question about the post. So the rise of Donald trump and Ben Carson within the Republican Party is parallel to a rise in a third party? Even if they...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election Q&AThe Election of 2016
August 17, 2015
vs. Establishment Tons of e-mails have been pouring in asking (1) how our computer forecasts so many things, and (2) how it is often right decades in advance. The...
2016 U.S. Presidential ElectionBlog Alerts
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