Tag: Anticipation
Analysts v News Chasers
October 25, 2016
QUESTION: I am beginning to see the light. It seems as though when gold rallies strong, the sentiment is reflected in these gold promoters. Then gold drops and...
Basic ConceptsYou Are Your Own Worst Enemy
August 5, 2016
COMMENT: Marty; I watched the monthly numbers you gave for the close of July. The stock market gave a buy signal and gold failed again to close above your...
Dow Jones GoldThe Fed Rate Hike & U.S. Equities
July 30, 2015
Sometimes it really does not matter what the underlying truth might be – markets move based upon anticipation and typically reverse with the news. The Fed is...
USA Current EventsBuy the Rumor and Sell the News
July 27, 2015
The more people open their minds and observe our model, the more their eyes open and begin to see the how the world economy is interconnected. Our model on the Dow...
Understanding CyclesPlaying the Reversals
June 27, 2015
QUESTION: Hello Martin. some weeks ago you said the Euro has to break through the 1,15 Level to test at the very best the 1,20 . Is this over now and confirmed that...
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