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Tag: Apple

Apple & Reversals – Per-Click Payment Structure of Socrates

If I do not mention something on the blog, some people think it means I missed the move. Sorry, but this is not about me as an individual trying to forecast...

Apple v FBI – Oops! FBI Lied

Edward Snowden has come out and said that the FBI case against Apple is “bullshit”. Snowden said they were indeed attempting to use terrorism as the...

Obama: If Apple Does Not Allow Govt. to Hack Phones Then “Everybody is Walking Around with a Swiss Bank Account”

The politicians are scared to death of Trump because he does what they fear to do: speak his mind. Politicians have to be prevaricators, hypocrites, and liars...

Apple Wins Against FBI in Drug Case

The government is demanding Apple to create a program to hack phones under the excuse of “terrorism” as a threat to national security. The FBI in New...

Trump v Apple

I believe that Donald Trump is way off base here because he is not a programmer. If Apple creates a backdoor for the FBI in its phones then hackers will also find...

South Carolina: Apple & Donald Trump

  Trump took South Carolina with less than 40%. Bush just has the wrong name and should give up. The real reasons to worry are Cruz and Rubio, as both would...

Apple Battles Govt. Over Bypassing Encryption

The drive in government to eliminate encryption so that they can track everyone’s money is creating a firestorm. Google and Apple are starting to fight back...