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Tag: asset confiscation

EU to Surrender Russian Assets to Ukraine

The United States discussed plans to provide Ukraine with a loan paid out with Russian assets that have been frozen since the start of the war. The bulk of frozen...

Macron and Biden Now Lying Russian Assets at Zelensky’s Feet

Macron and Biden do not represent their respective nations as they act in ways that are an utter detriment to national interests. The French and American leaders...

Russia Responds Precisely on Target

Nearly $300 billion worth of confiscated frozen Russian assets have been set to the side by the West. Some of the world’s leading decision-makers have been urging...

The Threat to Gold

QUESTION:  In regards to your last post about Bitcoin and your comment that there may be a “threat regarding gold”, as well. What kind of threat do you...

Where Are We in the Roman Timeline?

QUESTION: Martin, Compared to Roman timeline, what year would you say we are in 2019? M ANSWER: It is hard to say. My concern is what comes after Trump. We seem to...

Oklahoma – The State You Must ALWAYS Avoid Driving Through

As there is a drive to eliminate cash, police are engaging in illegal search and seizures of debit cards. More and more businesses are refusing to accept cash,...

Christian Persecution Celebrated on Roman Coins

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; The Romans seem to have issued coins to celebrate everything. Did they ever issue coins celebrating the Christian persecutions? ZR ANSWER:...