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Tag: Australia

Australian Ad Campaign Telling Kids to Ignore Parents and Get Vaccines

  The legal age is 14 in Australia to consent for sex to vaccines, while in the USA 17-year-olds sue for vast amounts of money claiming they didn’t know...

Australia Faces Food Shortages

The coronavirus and supply shortages have indeed shown us that truckers are essential workers. Unfortunately, around half of employed truckers in Australia have...

Australian PM Scott Morrison Calls the People “Sheep”

Australian PM Scott Morrison is promoting forced vaccinations for children and adults while slowly eliminating the unvaccinated population from everyday society. In...

Australia to Quarantine Even Fully Vaccinated Flying to Australia

The joke use to be “going postal” because so many postal workers were killing co-workers decades ago. Now they are calling it...

Rising COVID Cases Among Vaccinated

Reports of fully vaccinated individuals contracting COVID are on the rise. Cases are appearing worldwide, but let’s take a look at Australia as they currently...

Is Australia Preparing Concentration Camps for the Unvaccinated?

(Picture: AAP Glen Campbell) Rumors are swirling on the internet that the Australian Army is herding the unvaccinated population into “quarantine...

Australia Seizing Homes & Bank Accounts if You Have Unpaid COVID Fines

This is the face of absolute tyranny. Unfortunately, he is supported by the police, so like a Roman Emperor who has usurped power, he only can do so because the...

Political Cartoonist Fired in Australia For Showing Truth

Michael Leunig was sacked by the Australian newspaper “The Age.” Vaccines mandated by government have never taken place in history. How dare someone...