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Tag: Australia

Australia Committing Tyrannical Economic Suicide

If there was ever a politician who will be dragged from his chamber in a revolution, history would point to Daniel Andrews. Now he is throwing anyone who opposes...

Victoria, Australia, Police Speak Out

Mandating Vaccines Win in Courts

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Here in Australia our last legal hope hinged on a case in the NSW Supreme court against mandatory vaccinations. I personally donated to this...

Corruption Everywhere

  The Australian mining magnate and politician Clive Palmer has outright called out Gladys Berejiklian for taking bribes by Big Pharm in New South Wales. If...

COVID: Govt Admits it will be a New World Order!

  Here we have government officials using the words that are immediately called a conspiracy theory. In Australia, their health Minister Kerry Chant admits...

Australian Truckers Beat Govt – We Can Too

The Australian government is claiming that truckers pose a danger for they were spreading the virus around the country. They ordered the truckers to be vaccinated...

Australia COVID Concentration Camps Destined to Break Up Australia

  In Australia, the government and the police have simply gone insane. They have created mandatory quarantine confinement, much like isolated confinement in a...

Australia & Argentina

COMMENT #1: Hi Martin Keep up your great work and please share the light at the end of the tunnel. I am in Sydney, Australia in lockdown and your article of today...

News from Sydney, Australia & Canada

COMMENT: Marty this a part of their plan right? Divide and conquer. What did this maniac expect Australia to do. Shoot the sick and burn their bodies? Can this get...

Australian Police Are Becoming the Symbol of Tyranny

  The rising discontent in Australia is shocking the world. As I have said, other nations invaded Iraq for abusing their citizens. Who will come to the rescue...