Tag: Australia
Australia Overthrows its Prime Minister in the Blink of an Eye
September 16, 2015
In Australia, we are seeing signs of political unrest. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has been a complete disaster. It is really a wonder how these people...
Australia & OceaniaReal Estate
August 18, 2015
QUESTION: Dear Armstrong, Your work is absolutely brilliant – Thank You. In your paper “a forecast for real estate”, your graph forecasts real...
Q&A Real Estate World EventsAustralian Banks Win Behind the Curtain?
May 14, 2015
The Australian government is extremely left wing, even among the Conservatives. Nevertheless, the Australian budget for 2015 has been leaking out little by...
Australia & OceaniaA Push for Change in the Right Direction
May 4, 2015
“The Forecaster” sold out at every venue it has been shown. When I have attended, we have held Q&A sessions that often go on for more than an hour. It has...
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