Tag: Barclays
British Lose Confidence in Banks
August 14, 2023
Britain’s four largest banks have reported that clients have withdrawn £78 billion, marking the steepest bank run since 2018. NatWest, Barclays, Lloyds, and HSBC...
BRITAINTop Executives of Barclays Charged
June 21, 2017
The British Serious Fraud Office (SFO) has brought charges against Barclays and four former executives surrounding the Qatari investment during the 2008 financial...
CorruptionWarning Bank Stocks in Serious Trouble
March 1, 2016
Barclays shares in the UK have fallen 9% after it announced further restructuring, a dividend cut, and an 8% decline in statutory pre-tax profit. As part...
Stock IndiciesSo Why Are Bankers Never Personally Criminally Charged?
June 14, 2015
In the latest scandal where five major banks agreed to plead guilty to criminal charges brought by the U.S. Department of Justice for manipulating the foreign...
USA Current EventsFour Banks Plead Criminally Guilty to Currency Manipulation
May 21, 2015
Back in 1999, I stood up in court and objected Alan Cohen’s demands for my lawyers to turn over tapes of conversations I recorded to protect me as a journalist...
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