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Tag: Big Pharma

The ETHICS Act – End Insider Trading in Congress

Both Democrats and Republicans in the Senate can agree on one thing – Congress has been using classified information to illegally trade stocks. Our public...

The Only Candidate Who Could Prosecute Fauci

Let us never be fooled again by authoritarians draping themselves in the mantle of science. — Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr)...

AstraZeneca Admits Vaccine Had Lethal Side Effect

Vaccine manufacturers and health agencies have been silently admitting that their “safe and effective” COVID-19 mRNA vaccines have deadly side effects....

Over 250,000 Dead Americans

America has lost the war on drugs as overdose-related deaths have quadrupled in the past decade. Overdoses from fentanyl are now the leading cause of death for...

Poster Boy for COVID Vax Dies Suddenly

יונתן ארליכמן ז"ל בן 8 מת מדום לב ??? לא מזעזע אתכם ? היכן הכותרות ? החקירות? כמה ילדים עוד...

Credit Scores on Medical Debt

It is a common misconception that unpaid medical bills will not hurt your credit score. Medical debt is the leading cause of bankruptcy in the United States. Health...

NIH Experts Received $325 Million in Big Pharma Royalties During COVID

Two weeks to slow the spread was simply not enough time for the elite to steal as much power and wealth as possible. OpenTheBooks recently revealed over 1,500...

FDA Study Finds COVID Vaccine Causes “Spontaneous Abortions”

An 8-page study entitled, “PREGNANCY AND LACTATION CUMULATIVE REVIEW” reveals that the FDA and Pfizer knew that the mRNA COVID vaccines were dangerous for...

Flu Drug Shortage

There is a shortage of commonly prescribed flu and viral medications in America. Flu season hasn’t even peaked for the year and there is simply not enough...

Pfizer Never Tested the Vaccine Against Transmission

Socrates has been predicting a downturn for Pfizer’s stock. Could this newly released admission be one of the culprits? A senior Pfizer executive, Janine Small,...