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Tag: Bill Gates

Melinda French Gates to Dismantle the Gates Foundation Monopoly

After their public divorce in late 2021, Melinda French Gates pledged to give the majority of her wealth to the foundation she developed with her now ex-husband....

Australian Ad Campaign Telling Kids to Ignore Parents and Get Vaccines

  The legal age is 14 in Australia to consent for sex to vaccines, while in the USA 17-year-olds sue for vast amounts of money claiming they didn’t know...

Does the Belief in a God Temper One’s Actions?

Many questions have come in about our computer forecasting that this grand effort to take over the world will fail. What you must understand is that when people do...

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Investment Portfolio

Bill Gates did not become one of the richest men in the world by investing in stocks. I am not recommending any of these particular stocks, but I do want to point...

The International Criminal Court – Fighting For the People (Part 4)

Clade X and Event 201 “In May, 2018, the WEF partnered with Johns Hopkins to simulate a fictitious pandemic  dubbed ‘Clade X’ (Appendix 12)  to see how...

Bill Gates Handed Media $319 Million to Support his Agenda?

People are starting to look at perhaps the most devious billionaire in history, far surpassing Rockefeller. Bill Gates has shelled out over $300 million to buy the...

Biden’s Build Back Better – Selling Out America

Congress passed the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, and then the new American Communist press shifted their focus immediately to the Democratic legislation known...

The Health Monopoly

Bill Gates will emerge as the richest man in human history, for he has succeeded in creating a health monopoly. The royalties from the never-ending vaccines will...

Brothel Offers Free Sex for Getting Vaccinated

    Because there are so many illegal aliens in Europe, they are now offering free sex in return for getting vaccinated. Clearly, our political leaders...

Bill Gates Admits At Last the Vaccines Do Not Work!

    Bill Gates has finally admitted that his vaccines neither prevent you from getting COVID nor will they prevent you from spreading COVID. So what...