Tag: Black Plague
Have the Democrats Reversed the American Dream?
August 26, 2024
Before the evolution of the Industrial Revolution, Social Mobility truly did not exist. More often, one tended to follow in the footsteps of their family. Farmers...
Basic Concepts EconomicsIs COVID Following the Economics of the Black Plague?
December 8, 2021
While just about every historical piece on the Black Plague you will read tells the story from the plague perspective. However, I look at history differently. I...
Economics InflationWill Covid Alter the Economy?
March 23, 2021
Similar to attributing climate change entirely to human activity resulting in CO2, the same error is played out in disease. There is no evidence that social...
Civil Unrest Economics The Hunt for Taxes TyrannyThe Future & 2015.75
August 20, 2015
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, a friend introduced me to your site. He said you are the source and everyone, even the most famous, seem to reshape their forecasts to...
Q&AMaunder Minimum Petri Dish of Political Change
July 12, 2015
The global warming pseudo-scientists are desperately trying to keep their funding. Now these con artists are trying to claim that that the oceans’ surface water...
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