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Tag: Bloomberg

Dow Passes Record-Breaking 40,000 Midday – Jan 2020 Forecast Comes to Fruition

The Dow surpassed 40,000 during midday trading for the very first time this Thursday. In a January 2020 interview with Andrew McCreath from BNN Bloomberg I...

Is Bloomberg Behind the John Hopkins University Virus Map that Has Scared the World?

Some people have wondered who is behind the John Hopkins University map. Is there a political connection or is this just academic incompetence? I believe it clearly...

Censorship – Trying to Cover Up the Truth

QUESTION: I have concluded that you are the most censored analyst perhaps in history and they always said you were the guy who knew too much. I even read that in a...

Michael Bloomberg Calls Trump a “Dangerous Demagogue”

  Hillary Clinton & Michael Bloomberg at the Goldman Sachs new building construction Former Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg had the audacity to...