Tag: Bonds
Beware of Government Bonds
May 2, 2015
COMMENT: Dear Martin, Thank you for all you do, you are really great! Looking for the exact day of default for Greece in Wikipedia I stepped into a monumental...
European UnionUpdating the Markets – The Key is the Corruption That Will Make the Turn
April 25, 2015
Political corruption is now in the open, but politicians don’t seem bothered, figuring it will all blow over in a week or two. This corruption trend in...
USA Current EventsFractional Banking v Bond Market
April 22, 2015
COMMENT: Marty, I found your take on matching lenders and borrowers precisely on point. Whilst it sounds innovative, that is precisely what blew up with the...
Q&AEnd of Bonds Rise in Rates – A New Type of Inflation
April 14, 2015
QUESTION: Dear Martin, First I would like to congratulate you on your excellent analysis and market views. I am a bond portfolio manager for 25 years and I can only...
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