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Tag: Brexit

“BREXIT” Report Provides the Truth about Remaining in the EU

The propaganda to keep Britain in the EU is highly dangerous and an outright fraud upon the British people. On June 23, the people of Britain will decide whether to...

BREXIT v Yellen

  The debate shifted following the Jobs Report, and people now assume that the Fed will not raise rates. Hence, we have a bounce in gold and the euro. That...

BREXIT Report – The Fate of Britain & Europe

On June 23, the people of Britain will decide whether to exit (BREXIT) the European Union. The outcome of this historic vote will determine Britain’s future. This...

Comment on Voting in BREXIT

COMMENT: Dear Martin, When I first started voting in the UK at 18, I used to take my balllot card and driving license with me for ID purposes. But to my surprise,...

British Government Sent Ballots to EU Citizens for BREXIT

The British government claims it made a mistake in sending thousands of postal ballots to EU citizens living in the UK. The UK Electoral Commission had to admit...

Now Available: The Brexit Report

On June 23, the people of Britain will decide whether to exit (BREXIT) the European Union. The outcome of this historic vote will determine Britain’s future. This...

BREXIT Should Produce Record Turnout

According to our sources in Britain, it appears that the BREXIT camp should actually win if they allow a fair referendum, which is highly debatable. The Guardian...

BREXIT: What Would Happen to Brits Living in EU?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; The scaremongering going on here is claiming that if BREXIT becomes reality, we will be thrown out of Europe and have to pay massively for...

BRITEXIT: The Movie   This is an excellent documentary that exposes the truth about the EU and how Brussels was established to deny the...

Are the Metals & Dow Aligning?

QUESTION: All three are moving together since mid-January. Does that mean all three are already aligned and a lift is now possible? Or do we go to retest the...