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Tag: Brexit

Brexit & Generations

QUESTION: Hi Martin I live in the UK and I’m thinking “Is there anyone out there that thinks the same way as I do about Brexit..??? Because no one on TV...

British Labour Party – The Greatest Threat to Britain

There is absolutely no question that Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party poses a greater threat to Britain than BREXIT. Corbyn said, “Nurses, teachers, shop...

Would Maggie Thatcher have Been Remain or for Brexit?

COMMENT: You and Maggie could have solved BREXIT in a week! HS REPLY: She would have done precisely that. Of course, they staged a coup against her to take the UK...

Flight from Public to Private

QUESTION: Hi. Martin. I have read your blog for many years and I’m blown away about how much I have learned Question can you help explain how the European stock...

The Propaganda Trade on the Pound – History Repeats

COMMENT: Dear Marty, In your recent blog about BREXIT and the Yellow Hammer leak, you say: “British pound is still under pressure as the propaganda machine is...

Boris Johnson Wins Britain Right on Target

Boris Johnson has been elected as the new Prime Minister of Britain and he has promised to take Britain out of the European Union “come what may.”...

Nigel Farage’s BREXIT Party is Now #2

Nigel Farage’s new Brexit Party is now the second largest in Britain. The Conservatives still topped the YouGov poll with 24% of the vote, but they were...

EU Refuses to Negotiate Fairly with Britain – Demands of a Customs Union

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; could you explain this whole Customs Union issue in BREXIT? Some see it as a great idea, others say it is surrendering sovereignty to...

France Refuses any Negotiation on BREXIT & Demands to Punish Britain

Paris is adamant that the EU should not renegotiate the Brexit deal. The French want to punish the British at all costs, and that means at the expense of their own...

Brexit Explained