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Tag: Brexit

PM Theresa May Resigns

Prime Minister Theresa May has announced that she will now step down as the U.K. prime minister after failing to win support for her plan to withdraw from the...

Director of UK Charity Calls for Acid Attack on Nigel Farage

The policy director of a UK charity that “campaigns to increase happiness” was fired after calling for Brexit leader Nigel Farage to be doused in acid....

May Could be Asked to Resign by June

Prime Minister Theresa May could be forced to leave Downing Street by late June if she does not deliver a Brexit deal. Conservative Party sources are letting it be...

Fear of Jeremy Corbyn Becoming Prime Minister in UK is a Threat to the Pound

There is a lot going on in Britain. Many fear that Jeremy Corbyn will now win because Theresa May has made a real mess of BREXIT. Consequently, the Telegraph is...

SNL Does Theresa May

The Treaty of Rome & 2020

QUESTION: I believe back at your 1985 WEC, if I remember correctly, besides the 2016 target for the first opportunity for a third party type president, you also...

The New Brexit Party in Britain May Be Underestimated

Nigel Farage led the Ukip party to victory in the last EU elections in 2014. They won 24 MEPs and brough BREXIT to the forefront, however, Nigel split from Ukip...

Most British Now Just Want to Leave with NO DEAL – Get out while they can the polls show

Perhaps there is some new plague that only affects politicians on a global scale. It seems no matter what country we look at, it is simply going completely insane...

Financial, Political & Banking Chaos in Europe Going into May

The British Parliament has rejected Prime Minister May’s BREXIT plan for a third time. This now leaves them to come up with a plan that Brussels must accept...

Can European Sovereign Debt Really Crash Without a Free Market?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, When the stock market crashed in 1929, followed by the bonds into 1933, we saw a minor bump in the stock market. As this occurred during a...