I have been warning that Chancellor George Osborne is probably going to go down in history as the man who destroys what is left of the British empire. He has...
The Telegraph reported on a shocking new court ruling that may become the final straw that sends the British out of the EU. This ruling has begun the decline into...
When I lived in London back in the 1980s, there was a touch of snow and everyone was running around photographing the snowfall in the city. Now, Britain is getting...
Prime Minister David Cameron shows how politicians are really cross dressers. Just because he is the head of the Conservatives does not mean that he is...
The Daily Mirror reported the attempted assassination of Nigel Farage. Someone tampered with his car to ensure the wheels would fall off while driving on the...
Landlords are joining together to challenge the Conservative’s (i.e. Tory’s) tax hike by filing a suit in the high court against their tax increase on...
There is little doubt that David Cameron offered a referendum on Britain exiting the European Union (EU) because he thought it would never win. Now that the polls...
It appears the London Property Market bubble has peaked with the Osbourne changes in taxation and the Economic Confidence Model. Already, just since the turn on...
In Britain, Home Secretary Theresa May has been forced to back off from her proposal that would give the police full access to see your complete internet search...
The Terrorism Act in Britain has been used to seize the laptop of a BBC journalist who produced a series of reports on British-born jihadis. As always, police...