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Tag: California

California Hands Retired Employees Checks in Excess of $400,000 + Pensions

Most employers provide vacation and sick leave. However, most employers do not allow sick days to roll over from one year to the next. The norm is to often cap at...

California to Tax Anything & Everything They Can Think Of

COMMENT: Marty, You have to help us out here. California tried to tax text messages. The feds stopped that. Now, LA county wants to tax Uber and lyft. They’re...

Does California Have the Right to Watch You Shower?

  Governor Gerry Brown made it a violation of law to shower and do laundry on the same day. The purpose of this law is to  “help California be better...

Arrogance of California Knows No Bounds Governor Brown Still Committing Treason against the Constitution

  The governor of California is just insane and out of control. Besides the boasting that California is its own country free to enter into treaties with Europe...

Governor Jerry Brown of California Advocates the Overthrow of USA

Governor Jerry Brown of California is committing treason Against the United States. He is leading a confederacy against the Federal Government and should stand...

Currency v Language

QUESTION: Do language and currencies move in line with each other? Is language a leading indicator to currency i.e. Spanish in California. Will they create their...

The Famous Redwood Tunnel Tree Fell in California

The famous Redwood tree tunnel fell during one of California’s worst storms and caused massive flooding. I walked through this tree when I was a kid. I...

California Earthquakes

Plotting earthquakes in California for the “big one” is difficult due to the lack of historical data prior to 1857. From that point forward, the...

California Earthquake Due

  We are entering a period of an increased risk in earthquakes appearing in California. This begins here in March...

California Dreaming: The Great Migration from California

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I live in San Francisco (silicon Valley) and due to internet and automation, technology is doing well and Real estate has been strong,...