Tag: CalPERS
Lockdowns Have Pushed Government Pensions Over the Edge
June 30, 2020
COMMENT: Facing a vicious circle of conflicting demands and priorities, the California Public Employees Retirement System is turning to debt – a risky scheme to...
Pension CrisisBRICS, Real Estate, & Pensions
December 19, 2019
QUESTION: Dear Amstrong, Thank you for all the training you have been teaching us for years. Even though I have gone through 3 universities and have special titles...
South AmericaCalPERS – Buying the High in Bonds? Oh Boy.
September 1, 2015
CalPERS, California Pension Plan for government workers, is adopting policies that demonstrate that they are incapable of managing money. They cannot handle the...
USA Current EventsCalPERS Posts Gain of Just 2.4%
July 17, 2015
CalPERS (California Public Employees’ Retirement System) posted a profit of just 2.4% for its fiscal year (which ended on June 30) that was well below its...
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