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Tag: Canada

Trudeau Considers Additional Housing Tax

Inefficient politicians consistently cite additional taxation as the solution to their nation’s economic troubles. The housing crisis in Canada is has spread to...

Canada’s Job Market – Where are the Jobs?

Unemployment in Canada ticked up by 0.2% in June to 6.4%, yet the economy lost 1,400 jobs. Around 1.4 million Canadians were looking for work as of June 2024, a...

Household Debt in Canada Exceeds 100% of GDP

World leaders spend recklessly with no regard for the overall economy. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has fallen out of favor for one primary reason – the...

Liberals Fall Out of Favor

The Liberals of Canada have fallen out of favor, as evidenced by party’s defeat in the special election. Toronto – St. Paul’s had been filled by Liberals...

Canada’s Population Explodes Surpassing 41 Million

Canada’s population has surpassed 41 million, but it is not due to new births. Statistics Canada declared that the population rose 0.6% or 242,673 people since...

Canadians Want Trudeau OUT

Canadians have long been done with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his oppressive regime. The tides for Trudeau turned in a major way during the coronavirus...

Canadian Govt Offers Vaccine Victim Suicide as Compensation for Paralysis

Kayla Pollock, 37, was a healthy woman from Ontario with no medical issues. Everything changed with Kayla took the Moderna mRNA experimental vaccine on January 11,...

Imagine Waking from an 8-Year Coma – Reflections from the Last ECM Wave

The year 2015 was not long ago, and yet the entire world economy has changed. Central banks mismanaged monetary policy through arbitrarily low interest rates and...

Canada Accuses India of Election Interference

  The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) issued a report accusing India and Pakistan of interfering in Canada’s federal elections in 2019 and...

Canada’s Population Hits New High

PM Justin Trudeau’s goal of importing immigrants is going as planned. Statistics Canada reported that the nation added over 1.27 million new residents between...