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Tag: Canada

Were There Government Defaults in Canada During the Great Depression?

QUESTION: You always mention how there were defaults and suspension of debt during the Great Depression by states and municipals. Was this also true in Canada? JRT...

Is a Separatist Movement in Alberta Inevitable?

While Alberta has been supporting Canada for decades, the rising tide of environmentalists has devastated its economy to the point that people no longer seek...

The Divorce Agreement to Avoid Revolution

  Here is something that is going viral. It is the reality of our political-economic situation as we head into 2032 and begin to watch this cascade out of...

Winnipeg Grain Exchange Closing Right in Time for the Cycle

  Canada’s last commodity exchange is closing. The Winnipeg Grain Exchange, which was established in 1887, will shut down for good after its owner...

Canada Looking to Tax Small Business 93%?

  The Finance Minister of Canada, Bill Morneau, has announced that the government is now targeting private corporations and fundamentally changing the way...

Vancouver Real Estate Forecast – Regulation & Currency

QUESTION: I am new to your services. I purchased the Canadian report on the property markets. I am fascinated by your ability to forecast so many events. I...

Why Less than 10% Make Change Happen

COMMENT: Good day Martin I thoroughly enjoyed your video on the solution and took you up on creating a debate. Thank you for your work. I live in Canada. I have a...

Marxist Socialism now relabeled as the Sharing Economy

In Canada, I was in a discussion with a socialist politician. I was shocked at the response to their view of the economy that everything you earned belonged to the...

Canadian v US Municipality Debt Crisis

Canada has a different legal structure compared to the United States. Canada is one of the most decentralized countries in the world where provinces are actually...

The Pension Crisis is Global

The worldwide pension crisis is the next great notch in the belt of the collapse of socialism. If anyone in the private sector promised workers pensions and did not...