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Tag: Canada

Canada Sold All Its Gold Reserves – Who Will be Next?

​ Question: Hello Martin, I saw a couple of days ago that Canada seems to have sold all its gold. Is it just a way to...

Canada Selling Part of Its Gold Reserves

Governments everywhere are going broke. Despite what people think, gold may yet make new record lows under $1,000 in the months ahead. Canada has sold off a...

Canada Finds Policeman James Forcillo Guilty of Attempted Murder

When a jury gets the chance to try a policeman, we see results. This is indicative of the coming collapse of government on the other side of 2015.75. The police...

Canadian Election: “Sunny ways my friends. Sunny ways.”

The Canadian elections are on par with the world trend – whoever is in office, throw the bums out. The election took place on Monday, October 19, the anniversary...

Canada Gives up Own Citizens to the USA IRS

Canada is giving up “accidental Americans” who have one American parent and that means the U.S. IRS wants to hit them with back taxes like an economic slave,...

C$ Elects Monthly Bearish

The C$ fell sharply against the U.S. dollar, confirming our computer forecast for a rising dollar and completing the trend to initiate a deflationary cycle in the...

Is Canada Preparing for War?

Canada has made it drastically harder to apply for citizenship. The curious issue is the bottom-line concerning the military. There never was a fast track in...

Canada’s Hunt for Cash Turns Against Trading Profits in Retirement Funds

The Canadian tax man is looking at trading in retirement accounts and redefining them as businesses in order to demand taxes. Even if you trade with retirement...

Canada to Fingerprint Foreign Travelers

Canada will collect finger prints and digital photos from all foreigners traveling on a visa under a new security measure being introduced. The measure, which...