Tag: Cars
80% of Car Buyers Now Pay Above MSRP
February 24, 2022
Owning a car is quickly becoming a luxury as prices soar. The auto parts and chip shortage paired with the supply chain crisis has caused demand to surpass...
InflationCalifornia Bans Porsche Sales – to Save the Planet of course
June 24, 2021
I have always been a sports car nut. I use to say the day I get an automatic, it’s time to die. Well, thank God I do not live in California. They have...
RegulationStandard Life Suspends Their Property Fund
July 5, 2016
Standard Life suspended trading in its UK property fund after reducing the value of the fund by writing down the value of property by 5%. This set off a wave if...
BRITAIN Real EstateWe Can See This One Coming
July 29, 2015
COMMENT: Dear Martin, Many thanks for your frequent “Shanghai updates” – as you say: truly amazing how everything is so tightly connected: Haute Brion and...
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